A Career Guidance Session will last for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. Fee €150

Extensive Career Inventory tests will result in a Profile that will be specific to each individual.

A tailored list of third level courses, designed around the students’ interests and strengths

Guidance around Subject Choice if required.

Information and guidance will also be given on

  • Extra subject outside of school
  • HPAT
  • Scholarships
  • CAO

Over 7000 students a year drop out of their first year of college every year. StudentSupport feel this stat could greatly decrease if students are given more extensive guidance and support around their college options.


Karl relates very well to young adults’ needs, very perceptive and concise in his feedback.
Excellent career guidance session
Highly recommend

Studying in the UK

Student Support aim to help students have as many options as possible and this can include advice on applying to college in the UK or Europe

There is one place where you can register and apply to all of the UK universities and colleges – you register and apply through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service)

Studying in Europe

EUNICAS is an independent European University application support service that facilitates UK and Irish students who are looking to study in Europe.

Call us today on (087) 637 95 90 or email info@studentsupport.ie to speak to one of our team about any of our services